Welcome (back) to Rubyfish


Welcome Back

They say cobbler’s children have no shoes and the same is all too true for digital agencies and their websites. As Rubyfish closes in on it’s 3rd birthday and after several months of after hours labouring, our website has finally been given an overhaul.
 Our single page site served us well for the past few years but the time has come to tell the wider Rubyfish story. Central to this is showcasing some of the fantastic clients projects we’ve worked on. A sample of our web, tablet and mobile apps can be found under Work, with many more to come over the following months.
We are also endeavouring to set aside time to keep updating out Blog. One of the great appeals of being consultants is dealing with a wide range of interesting organisations and people – helping them and us to understand where and how they can best utilise digital channels. Out of this has fallen many great conversations and insights that we’ll be looking to share and discuss here.
So to old friends we say “Welcome back!” and to new friends we hope you get to know us a little bit more. Be sure to check back over the coming days and months as we continue to expand out the contents of this site.
Ash & Jason