
The RailRes App is a resource that has been developed for TrackSAFE as part of its suite of trauma management support tools.

The App is designed to assist rail employees in managing stress if exposed to a traumatic event and build long term resilience to help employees stay healthy. The RailRes app has been informed by an industry reference group and the unions, to ensure that the app is relevant and beneficial to rail employees.

The RailRes app will test a rail employee’s physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioural reactions to stress, while helping the user adapt their response to the situation in real time. The App is available for free download (for both iPhone and Android devices) via the App Store.

The app provides quick jump off points to encourage rail workers, friends and family to build resilience and seek assistance.

Fast and easy onboarding

Heart Rate Monitor
Utilise the camera on the phone
to track your heart rate

Animated prompts to
aid creative exercises

Mindfulness and meditation exercises

The app is available for iOS and Android on both
phone and tablet versions.